Sechelt, Sunshine Coast, BC


BrewNatures first Pilot was conducted at a fish farm in BC. The idea was to use a novel process to turn fish waste into high-grade compost. The BrewNature process was born.

Leask Colony, SK


The Leask hauerite colony was the next pilot completed. Now with a custom microbial aid and a improved composting vessel the BrewNature process aim to take organic food waste and create high quality compost. The process was successful only taking 5 days to produce high quality product, 

Candle Lake Provincial Park, SK


Candle Lake was the latest Pilot for the BrewNature team. The provincial park was dealing with large amounts of fish waste due to a successful fishing season. Their current method is storing the fish and then dumping the fish in the local lagoon. Therefore the pilot's goal was to process the organic fish waste in the provincal park. With the latest iteration of the composting vessel, the organic waste was treated in 4 days, resulting in high-class compost.