Babak Roshani is an accomplished environmental engineer with expertise in municipal and industrial water treatment and solid waste management. With a Ph.D. in Water Chemistry and Microbiology, he has a proven track record in designing and operating water and wastewater treatment plants. Babak has extensive knowledge of new technologies in the water, wastewater, and solid waste management industries. He is the pioneer behind the development of accelerated vessel composting, a groundbreaking approach in the field.

Currently serving as the CEO and founder of BrewNature, Babak leads operations and financial management with a strong focus on sustainability and environmental stewardship. He actively engages in partnership development, sales, and marketing efforts, with a particular emphasis on the development of chemical-free and sustainable solutions. Babak has also invented a composter machine that efficiently converts waste into fertilizer, showcasing his commitment to innovative environmental solutions.

Scott McKerracher is a recent addition to the BrewNature team as a Junior Engineer. He graduated from the University of Saskatchewan with a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering. Alongside his engineering degree, Scott holds certificates in Computing and Rhetorical Communication, reflecting his diverse skill set.

Passionate about innovation and new technologies, Scott is thrilled to be part of a team that addresses organic waste issues through groundbreaking solutions. His commitment to sustainability and environmental consciousness drives him to make a positive impact through his work.

As a key member of the BrewNature team, Scott plays a crucial role in the development and iteration of prototypes. His expertise also extends to developing full-scale applications of the BrewNature process. With a problem-solving mindset, Scott contributes to refining and perfecting the technology. Scott's drive for excellence and his passion for sustainability make him an invaluable asset to the BrewNature team. With his dedication and innovative mindset, he is set to make a meaningful contribution to the company's mission of fostering a greener and more sustainable future.